design thinking.


Sustain Tomorrow’s consulting services mirror prominent design firms, but are targeted towards sustainability issues and lower cost. These services are best for teams that are pressed for time and want to add creative capacity to their work. We create an interdisciplinary design team consisting of designers that work through the Sustain Tomorrow design thinking process to address challenges in the energy and environmental sector. We check in with you at each phase of the process for design reviews, where the you collaborate by providing feedback on each deliverable.

who do we work with?

  • Program officers and directors that are looking to craft compelling visions for future portfolios

what is our consulting process?

  • We meet with you to craft a design challenge at the right level of detail (not too broad or narrow in scope).

  • We form an interdisciplinary design team.

  • We carry out systems thinking activities.

  • Once we have a basis of understanding of the system, we will empathize with others by gathering information through various research methods- interviewing people within various parts the system, speaking with experts, and immersion.

  • We will synthesize all the learnings from our empathy activities, prioritize key themes, and select a target audience where we can impactfully address critical needs.

  • We will brainstorm ideas from an empathetic stance to create as many solutions as possible.

  • We will rapidly build representations of our ideas to test with others. This allows us to gather feedback and ensure our design meets the needs of people. 

  • We will hand over a clearly designed implementation plan that outlines next steps for you to bring the prototype to fruition.

  • We bring you into the process by including you in design reviews where we will present findings from various stages of the process. During these reviews, we ask for structured feedback.

how much does it cost?

  • Our customized design thinking projects are hourly rates and depend on the scope of the project. Please contact us to discuss rates for your company.

what do i walk away with?

  • A presentation of findings from our interviews and immersion activities.

  • A presentation of our prototypes, brainstorming ideas, and how they relate to the user’s needs. You will walk away with findings from testing our idea with users and an explanation of how we adapted our prototypes.

  • We will hand over a clearly designed implementation plan that outlines next steps for you to bring the prototype to fruition.

  • A follow-up coaching session with one of our facilitators.


+ get in touch

We want to meet you to see if Sustain Tomorrow is a good fit for you! Get in touch with us for an initial consultation and member from our team will be in touch with you. We want to hear about the work you’re doing, talk about the details of our offerings, and set up a time to hold the complimentary design thinking session.

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innovation labs for consultants.

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empathy and need finding labs

Are you designing services that need to resonate with a wide range of audiences? Our empathy innovation labs allow you to understand the needs, challenges, and motivations of people and create impactful solutions.

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visual design (UI/UX) services

To set you apart from other energy and sustainability consulting firms, visual design is essential. Our team of skilled designers, videographers, editors, and storytellers help you create engaging content ranging from whitepaper, pitch deck, infographic, and website design to podcast and video creation.

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sustainability creative communication

This training will help you present materials to clients in ways that sets you apart from your competition. We help your team build client leadership skills, understand the basic principles of storytelling, and demonstrate creativity and aptitude of creative communication.