our services.

pop-up innovation labs.

We provide facilitated innovation labs that can quickly transform office spaces to spur creative confidence, collaboration, innovation, and equity. The labs are equipped with movable items that can be easily reconfigured, colorful post-its, creative prototyping supplies, and design the space for hands-on project development. Our facilitation team was trained at the top design schools to equitably harness ideas from team members and inspire collective creativity.

design thinking consulting.

Sustain Tomorrow’s consulting services mirror design firms, but are targeted towards sustainability issues. These services are best for teams that are pressed for time and want to add creative capacity to their work. We create an interdisciplinary design team consisting of four designers that work through the Sustain Tomorrow design thinking process to address challenges in the energy and environmental sector.


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  • capacity building

  • storytelling workshops

  • vivid visioning workshops

  • equity-centered sustainability lab

  • empathy interviews and need finding

  • visual design (UI/UX) services


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  • customized design thinking

  • sustainability creative communication

  • visual design (UI/UX) services

  • empathy interviews and need finding

  • equity-centered sustainability lab


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  • design thinking for ESG certification scores

  • sustainability creative communication

  • circular design and supply chain

  • visual design (UI/UX) services

  • product repairability and longevity

  • innovative packaging


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  • introduction to design thinking for sustainability

  • empathy innovation lab

  • brainstorming and prototyping lab

  • sustainability creative communication

  • circular design innovation labs

  • sustainability leadership trainings

  • customized design thinking curriculum


Sustain Tomorrow started in 2021, and would love to collaborate with you. We brought together a design and facilitation team that has experience working with companies including: