empathy and need finding innovation labs.


Understanding people at a deeply empathetic level is of utmost importance because it allows us to craft user-friendly solutions. By engaging with Sustain Tomorrow, our empathy and need finding innovation labs will allow your team to practice empathy techniques such as interviewing, user research, immersion, and observation. Our reflective, interactive, collaborative, and feedback-based trainings will help you effectively understand the needs of people you are designing for, develop target audiences, and become interview aficionados. At the end of this workshop, you will receive a detailed list of your empathy-driven findings, a practice guide of interviewing tips and tricks, a follow-up coaching session with a Sustain Tomorrow facilitator, and detailed feedback on how to enhance your interview style and need finding practices.

We are currently offering three levels of empathy and need finding innovation labs for foundations and their grantees:

  • Gold — Empathetic Client Engagement

  • Silver — Empathetic Community Engagement

  • Bronze — Sustain Tomorrow Need Finding Consulting

gold. harnessing empathy in client projects


In this highly interactive workshop, we allow you to speak with your clients in new ways that will strengthen relationships. We use empathy as the backbone of the workshop and allow you to dive into new topics (deeper than project-related work) and allow both parties to uncover needs and motivations that will allow you to work more seamlessly together.

In the first part of this innovation lab, we teach you empathy techniques such as interviewing, user research, immersion, and observation. We facilitate activities that allow you to harness these skills and practice and provide detailed feedback. For the second part of the innovation lab, we bring in key clients you identify to co-design and participate with you.

We provide a safe space for you to interview your clients, immerse yourself in their day-to-day lives and ultimately better identify their needs.

who should apply

  • Consultants that manage relationships with clients

  • Leadership and supporting team members that could benefit from empathetic design practices

  • The maximum capacity for these workshops are 30 participants


  • The innovation labs are scheduled at a time that is convenient to you and your team

  • 3 days, 5 hours/day

what do i walk away with at the end of the workshop?

  • A detailed list of needs that have been identified

  • High quality video testimonials and interviews from grantee participants

  • A follow-up consultation with our facilitators

  • Recommendations of next steps

how much does it cost?

  • We are currently offering discounted innovation lab rates

  • Rates differ by organization type and workshop size. Please contact us to discuss rates for your company

silver. empathetic community engagement


Are your clients designing solutions that need to resonate with a wide range of audiences? In this highly participatory three day innovation lab, we work with consultants on empathetic community engagement. We help your team understand the needs, challenges, and motivations of people and create impactful solutions.

Participants first learn and practice empathy techniques such as interviewing, user research, immersion, and observation. We then bring in focus groups of community members to co-design and participate in the innovation lab. By democratizing this process, we provide a safe space for grantees to interview their users, immerse themselves in compelling situations, and ultimately better understand community needs, priorities, and goals.

who should apply

  • Consultants with a focus on sustainability and energy

  • Leadership and supporting team members that could benefit from empathetic design practices

  • The maximum capacity for these workshops are 30 participants


  • The innovation labs are scheduled at a time that is convenient to you and your team

  • 3 days, 5 hours/day

what do i walk away with at the end of the workshop?

  • A detailed list of community needs that have been identified

  • A high quality video testimonials/ interviews from community participants

  • A follow-up consultation with our facilitators

  • Recommendations of next steps

how much does it cost?

  • We are currently offering discounted innovation lab rates

  • Rates differ by organization type and workshop size. Please contact us to discuss rates for your company

bronze. sustain tomorrow need finding consulting services


When it comes to crafting compelling environmental solutions, we can progress in technology and create low cost solutions, but this hardly tells the whole story. Conversations need to be had with community members and people involved in each step of the life cycle to understand their needs, challenges, and motivations. This leaves room for a realm of possibility in service design for organizations to improve the lives of people.

At Sustain Tomorrow, we allow these conversations to be had. We create an interdisciplinary design team consisting of four designers and conduct empathy interviews of people to understand their needs, challenges, and motivations. We then synthesize these findings and craft personas with leverage points that can then be used by organizations to brainstorm and prototype services that can overcome supplier pain points. We check in with you at each phase of the process for design reviews, where the you collaborate by providing feedback on each deliverable.

who should apply

  • Consultants with a focus on sustainability and energy

  • Leadership and supporting team members that could benefit from empathetic design practices

  • The maximum capacity for these workshops are 30 participants


  • Consulting services vary per project

what do i walk away with at the end of the workshop?

  • Deliverables vary for each project

how much does it cost?

  • We are currently offering discounted innovation lab rates

  • Rates differ by organization type and workshop size. Please contact us to discuss rates for your company


+ get in touch

We want to meet you to see if Sustain Tomorrow is a good fit for you! Get in touch with us for an initial consultation and member from our team will be in touch with you. We want to hear about the work you’re doing, talk about the details of our offerings, and set up a time to hold the complimentary design thinking session.

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innovation labs for consultants.

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visual design (UI/UX) services

To set you apart from other energy and sustainability consulting firms, visual design is essential. Our team of skilled designers, videographers, editors, and storytellers help you create engaging content ranging from whitepaper, pitch deck, infographic, and website design to podcast and video creation.

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sustainability creative communication

This training will help you present materials to clients in ways that sets you apart from your competition. We help your team build client leadership skills, understand the basic principles of storytelling, and demonstrate creativity and aptitude of creative communication.

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customized design thinking

Many times, clients will ask for a human-centered approach to problem solving. We can work with your team to customize a design thinking approach that aligns with a specific client project and add creative capacity to your team.